Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Art of Japanese Whiskey with Neyah White

Hey Gang,

Check this out... Neyah White, San Francisco barman extrodinare and Yamazaki’s West Coast Brand Ambassador will be holding a whiskey tasting and seminar on the Art of Japanese Whiskey!  WIth him Neya will be bringing 9 barrel samples that represent some of the many whisky types used to make Yamazaki, Hakushu and Hibiki Whiskey... sick right!

Neyah will be waliking us through these samples individually while exploring the history of Japan's relationship with whisky over the last century. 

The semina and tasting will be at Williams & Graham next Wednesday, February 1st at 1pm.  Space is going to be extreemly limited so pelase RSVP ASAP to to if you wish to attend.

Snacks and Apps will be provided courtesy of W & G but if you plan on being even remotely prodcutive for the rest of the day Neyah has suggested grabbing lunch before arriving because there's gonna be a ton of whiskey to be consumed and who spits at these things anyways right?!

That it for now.  To hold you over for the next few days here is a link to a piece Neyah wrote last year regarding Japanse Whiskey



Mike Hendreson

President - Colorado Bartenders' Guild

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Announcing the COBG & LUPEC Guest Bartender Program!

Whaddup y'all!

The COBG & LUPEC have partnered up with Ghost Plate & Tap to create our first ever 'Guest Bartender Program!'  Through this program any COBG and/or LUPEC members are invited to sign up for a 'Guest Bartending' shift at The Coupe bar (our private bar located inside Ghost Plate & Tap) where you can come in, write your own cocktails, and have a full bar all to your self in which to showcase you own cocktails and talents... and get this, we're gonna pay you to do it!

Guest Bartending shifts at The Coupe will be open as of February 1st and run Monday - Saturday 5-10pm, all that we ask is that you schedule your shift at least 2 weeks prior to the date.

We've tried to make this thing as easy as possible so to sign up here's all you need to do:

  • Pick a date and email Ken Kodys at
  • Write and submit 3 cocktails for your 'menu' for that evening
  • Invite everyone you know to come check you out


For your shift The Ghost will pay you $100 cash, help promote your shift through their media outlets (Westword, Facebook,Twiter, Etc.), and enter your drinks into a monthly $350 drink contest. Of course, in addition to the $100 cash from The Ghost all tips you receive will be yours to keep so if you rally a decent crew your guest bartending shift at The Coupe could turn out to be a pretty decent night!

We at the COBG are extremely excited about this new program and look forward to seeing you all at The Coupe.  If you have any questions regarding the program please feel free to contact Ken Kodys who's heading up the program.


Mike Henderson
Colorado Bartenders' Guild

Friday, January 6, 2012

Fee Bros. Brunch

Happy New Year, COBG!

We know it's the 6th, but we're still recovering from our holidaze fog, so it's better late than never. We thinks we might have ingested one too many glass of spiked egg nog at the company party and wound up leaving our Christmas pants somewhere other than the floor of our bedroom. We're still looking...

But enough about us. Are you ready for a 2012 filled with COBG events?

We are. So to get started, we'd like to announce our January COBG event on Saturday, Jan. 21st at Noon, Joe Fee of Fee Bros. will be stopping by Lou's FoodBar for a brunch that will include 25 of you good people. It'll be informal, but Joe will discuss his bitters, his family, and the history of the brand.

Fee Bros History Brunch is open to the first 25 members who RSVP to THIS email. We will not be posting this on Facebook.

When: Saturday Jan. 21st @ Noon
Where: Lou's FoodBar @ 1851 West 38th Avenue, Denver

Now...where the hell were those pants??