Saturday, November 27, 2010

I Really Wish This Blog Could Play The Theme To Star Wars...

So the buzz is loud this blog feels like an echo of an echo about it. However, as we continue to update you on everything in the COBG world, we'll take a minute of your time here to announce that yes, BAR SMARTS is coming to the Mile High City.

Mr. Dale DeGroff, F. Paul Pacult, David Wondrich (my hero), Andy Seymour, Steve Olson, and Doug Frost have teamed up with Pernod Ricard to bring you a one day version of the esteemed BAR 5-Day Program that a only a handful of Denver-tenders have traveled to NYC to do. They'll all be here, and drinking at your bars.

Although the BAR SMARTS team will be here on April 12th, 2011, the registration begins on December 1st, 2010 and there are only 150 spots folks. That may seem like a lot of places for us bartender types, but remember, these events don't happen everywhere, or very often. So look for there to be quite a few peeps from other states looking to jump into our pool.

Registration is by invitation only. The cost is $85, and you will receive a 4 DVD set with a  workbook, a OGIO backpack, and a basic set of bar tools selected by Dale DeGroff himself. As well, everyone that passes will receive a membership to the COBG / USBG for 2011. This is a ridiculous opportunity for everyone in our little circle, so if you're interested please send Sean Kenyon an email at with your name and place of employment and he'll get you an invite. Then get yourself over to and register on December 1.

Good Luck, and may the Force Be With You.

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