Wednesday, October 26, 2011

For Ladies Only!

Ahem...we said, "FOR LADIES ONLY!" Gentlemen, please close your email client and return to your manscaping.

Ladies! This one's just for you...

LUPEC (Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails) is pleased to announce the new Denver chapter devoted to the service and liquor industry women in the Colorado Cocktail Community. LUPEC is dedicated to preserving, promoting and encouraging women in the spirits industry and "to create a secular "coven-like" atmosphere in which Classy Broads of today can invoke and honor the spirits of their Forebroads."

LUPEC Denver is a way for women in the industry to network, develop and support one another in the cocktail community. The goal is to unite all the kick ass bartenders, servers, spirit reps and distillery employees in the area and to show the rest of Denver (and our male colleagues) what we’re all about. We don’t hope to change the world, just people’s perspective of women in this industry. Basically, we want to have some amazing parties, great competitions, and spectacular events to support our chosen charities and the women in Denver who sling drinks everyday! For more information on our mission, please visit

Please join us for an introductory event featuring cocktails, food and learn more about this new chapter…

LUPEC Denver Happy Hour
Where: Zengo,
1610 Little Raven Street, Denver
Date: NOVEMBER 14TH, 2011
Time : 5 pm


Hope to see you there!